Emotional Literacy Support

Emotional Literacy Support

Our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant is trained to plan and deliver programmes to support autistic people with their social and emotional well-being. This can then have a positive impact on their mental health.


ELSA may include support with social skills, emotions, self-esteem, anger management, friendships and bereavement- loss or transitions.


Intervention may be on a 1:1 or in a group setting and can be delivered in conjunction with OT/SaLT intervention/strategies. Therefore our Emotional Literacy Support is delivered at a high quality level of input and is often provided by ELSA plus a therapist from another discipline with a holistic approach.

Zones of Regulation – OT, SaLT and ELSA

An established curriculum created by Occupational Therapist Leah Kuypers, aims to teach people to identify their feelings and internal state, and to become more independent with self-regulation. The approach uses lots of visual support and therapists provide strategies to support regulation. The Zones can help autistic people use the language of the cause and effect of emotions in themselves and others. They may also be helped in understanding how their behaviour could impact others