Outreach Transition Pathways

Our Sundial Outreach Transition Pathways are available for Local Authorities to support leaners with a primary diagnosis of autism with transition for either of the following scenarios;

  • Home to school (mainstream or specialist)
  • Preschool – school ( mainstream or specialist)
  • School – school (mainstream or specialist)
  • Home to college (mainstream or specialist)
  • School – college (mainstream or specialist)
  • College to college (mainstream or specialist)

The therapy plan will be bespoke to individual needs and include Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy and additional therapy offers may be included to meet need.

Pathway 1:

Graduated Home to School Integration

  • Max. 1 year
  • Start point – home visits, end point – attending new school/ setting
  • Working with home/setting and families
  • Liaise with existing provision
  • Assessments and targets
  • Termly reviews
  • Attendance at Annual Reviews – reports provided as required
  • Transition plan towards end of planned transition time

This pathway is to provide intensive therapy working with home and parent/carers, any relevant professionals and aim for a successful transition into a setting with provision to meet individual needs.

Indications of needing Pathway 1 may include;

  • On roll but at home for a prolonged time
  • Attending school is a preferred option
  • Highly Significant needs in support for engaging with education/accessing learning
  • Indication of highly significant sensory needs and/or communication needs and/or social/emotional needs and/or behaviours of concern
  • Indication of likely benefit from an intensive therapy plan.

Pathway 1: What do parents think about Sundial's therapy?

Pathway 2:

One Term Intensive Therapy

  • 1 full term
  • Home visit
  • 2 week review
  • Therapy assessments and targets
  • Still on role at current provision, liaise with existing provision
  • Transition plan to Wargrave House School/College or alternative provision to meet individual needs
  • Half term review and planning
  • Mid second half term, transition plan and behaviour support plan in place
  • Last 2 weeks of transition schedule, integration into class/class involvement (not necessarily Wargrave House class)

This pathway is to provide intensive therapy working with home and school/college (if accessing school/college) and aim for a successful transition into a setting with provision to meet individual needs.

Indications of needing Pathway 2 may include;

  • Significant needs in support for engaging with education/accessing learning
  • Indication of significant sensory needs and/or communication needs and/or behaviours of concern
  • Indication of possible benefit from an intensive therapy plan.

Pathway 2: What do parents think about Sundials's therapy?

Pathway 3:

Transition Consultation

  • Short term consultation
  • Short term transition support
  • Baseline assessment, consultation, advice
  • Provide behaviour support plan
  • Training of staff at current provision
  • School visits
  • Home visits
  • Transition plan towards end of planned transition time

This pathway is to provide therapy assessment & training via short term transition plan working with home and parent/carers, any relevant professionals and aim for a successful transition into a setting with provision to meet individual needs.

Please find our referral form below:

Indications of needing Pathway 3 may include;

  • Staff/ family training needs in supporting engagement with education/accessing learning
  • Indication of sensory needs and/or communication needs and/or behaviours of concern which may be met by advice, recommendations, modelling or short term direct therapy intervention
  • Indication of possible benefit from a short term therapy transition plan.