Laura Blair

Therapy Assistant – BA (Hons) Childhood Studies, School Therapy Dog Handler, Elklan Level 3, Attention Autism, ROAR SEND Mental Health, Talking Mats Foundation, Intensive Interaction

Hey, I’m Laura and I have worked with Sundial since June 2021 as a Therapy Assistant. Before Sundial, I worked as a Disabled Children and Young Person’s Project Coordinator for Merseyside Youth Association, managing a Short Breaks service.

I am highly experienced in providing inclusive support to children, young adults and their families. I’ve also worked in supportive roles in specialist schools, mainstream schools, pupil referral units, play services and nurseries across the North West.

My diverse experience has led me to be Therapy Assistant where I’m proud to be part of the passionate, highly specialist Sundial team. I assist therapists with administrative tasks, support students and learners in SaLT and OT sessions across Wargrave School and Ascent College and facilitate Therapy Dog sessions with our wonderful dog, Nico.

In my own time, I enjoy cooking for family and friends and trying out new restaurants. After living in Australia for a few years, I discovered my love for travel and experiencing new cultures so I like visiting new countries as much I can.